Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Monday announced decentralisation of the powers of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) by giving the sarpanches and chairpersons of Panchayat Samitis and Zilla Parishads the right to accord administrative approval for development works up to Rs Two lakh at their level without floating tenders.
Addressing a Press conference, the CM said junior engineers can give technical approval for works up to Rs Two lakh. A sub-divisional officer can give technical approval for works ranging from Rs Two lakh to Rs 25 lakh. Short-term tenders will be floated for these works through Haryana Engineering Works Portal, he added.
Khattar said an executive engineer will give technical approval for works ranging from Rs 25 lakh to Rs One Crore. The technical approval for the works ranging from Rs One Crore to Rs 2.5 Crore will be given by the superintending engineer and the approval of the works above Rs 2.5 Crore will be given by the chief engineer, he added.
The CM said out of the fixed deposits with Gram panchayats, up to Rs 50 lakh in a year or 10 per cent of the deposits, whichever is higher, can be released by the deputy commissioner, for any required developmental works to be executed in the villages.
“If more than this amount is to be released from these deposits, then the deputy commissioner will refer the matter to the state government,” Khattar said.
The CM said if any PRI falls short of the amount in executing their development works, then the additional amount of Rs 25 lakh given by the state government will be directly released to the PRIs. However, the rural development department will get all the works done above Rs 25 lakh, he added.
The CM said the administrative approval for the work ranging from Rs 25 lakh to Rs One Crore will be given by the director, rural development department, and technical approval will be given by the executive engineer.
He said the administrative approval for work ranging from Rs One Crore to Rs 2.5 Crore will be given by the administrative secretary of concerned department, while the technical approval for all such works ranging of the same amount will be given by the superintending engineer. The CM said with this new system, the execution of development works will be done at a faster pace. He said the government allocates 7 per cent of its revenue to PRIs and municipal bodies for development works according to the population size of villages and cities. Two per cent is, however, kept in reserve so that additional funds can be provided to financially weak Panchayati Raj institutions and municipal bodies.