In a meeting of the BJP Parliamentary Party on Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked all the party MPs to regularly attend the Parliament sessions and actively participate in the legislative work. As per sources, the Prime Minister cautioned the MPs to ‘bring a change in their behaviour as otherwise changes will happen’.
According to sources, while directing all the MPs to ensure their presence in the Parliament, he said, “It is not right to repeatedly tell the same thing to you like children…you bring a change in your behaviour, otherwise change will happen.”
At the meeting, BJP National President J.P. Nadda asked all MPs to visit their respective constituencies after the Winter Session and communicate with the district chiefs and mandal chiefs and call them for discussion over tea. Prime Minister Modi was quick to add that he will also invite the district presidents and divisional presidents for tea on December 14 when he will be visiting in Varanasi.
Talking about the discussions held at the Parliamentary Party meeting, Union Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Pralhad Joshi said that the Prime Minister has told all the MPs to organise sports competitions, children fitness competitions and Surya Namaskar competitions.
Joshi added that Modi also directed them to remain in touch with the Padma awardees residing in their respective areas and to interact with them frequently.