Targeting the Congress over the inheritance tax row, Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya on Wednesday dubbed the party “anti-Dalit”, “anti-backward”, “anti-poor” and anti-tribal”.
He said Prime Minister Narendra Modi exposed the opposition party’s real character in front of the public which has left them stunned.
Talking to reporters, Maurya said this time, the Congress will not be able to win even 40 MPs. The Modi wave is going on in the country and BJP is getting support from every section, he claimed.
He was reacting to Congress Overseas President Sam Pitroda’s statement on inheritance tax.
But on the other hand, the Congress has distanced itself from his statement saying it was his personal view.
Sam Pitroda had said, “Inheritance tax is levied in America. If someone has a net worth of $100 million and when he dies he can give only 45 percent to his children. 55 percent is grabbed by the government. This is an interesting rule. It says that you created wealth in your generation and now you are leaving, you should leave your wealth to the public. Although not completely, only half, but I like this fair law.”