Former chief minister and PDP chief Mehbooba Mufti on Friday sent a legal notice to the Governor of Meghalaya Satya Pal Malik claiming damages amounting to Rs. 10 crore for accusing her of having grabbed government land under the Roshni Act.
Malik, who was earlier Governor of J&K, recently accused Mehbooba of having grabbed government land by misusing the Act. He named Mehbooba as a beneficiary of the Act.
A video is circulating in media wherein Malik while recounting his days as Governor in the erstwhile State of J&K, alleged that Mehbooba took benefit of the state land under the J&K State Lands (Vesting of Ownership to the Occupants) Act, 2001 which is popularly known as the Roshni Act.
The legal notice described these allegations as “defamatory” as Mehbooba has never been beneficiary of the Act that now stands repealed.