Haryana Health Minister Anil Vij on Monday said Measles Rubella (MR) catch-up campaign is being carried out in Nuh and Palwal (Hathin and Hodal block) districts to stop the transmission of measles.
In this campaign, one additional dose of MR vaccine will be administered to all eligible children of nine months to 15 years.
Vij said under the MR catch-up campaign has been launched in Nuh and Palwal today, 4,72,250 children (406493 children in district Nuh and 65,757 children in district Palwal-Hathin and Hodal Block) will be provided additional dose of MR during this campaign.
The minister said beneficiaries will be covered in schools during the first week of campaign and after that outreach sessions will be conducted for providing an additional dose of MR.
He said a campaign has been launched by the deputy commissioners in both districts. To ensure 100 per cent coverage, the campaign is being monitored by state nodal officers and officers from partner agencies like World Health Organisation.
Vij said all line departments have been requested to extend their complete cooperation to successfully implement the campaign in order to achieve the goal of Measles and Rubella elimination.