After being acquitted by the Gujarat High Court, BJP leader Maya Kodnani talked about her future plans and how she managed to go through the tough times. She was earlier convicted of organising the biggest massacre in the Gujarat riots of 2002 — Naroda Patiya riot case — and was acquitted by the high court on Friday.
In an interview to the Times of India, Kodnani said it’s time for her to forget the past and resume her normal life as a gynaecologist.
“One thing I have learnt from this episode — live in present. There is no point discussing the past. I am happy with my present and will resume my normal life as a doctor soon,” she said.
Talking about her stint in politics, Kodnani said, “I am a BJP worker. A worker cannot be active or inactive. I have always tried to give my best to whatever assignment given to me by the party. I will follow this in future too.”
On Friday, Kodnani was acquitted by the Gujarat High Court in the 2002 Naroda Patiya riot case. The court, however, upheld Babu Bajrangi’s imprisonment till death.
Earlier in August 2012, a special court for SIT cases had sentenced Kodnani to life imprisonment along with 32 others. Kodnani was sentenced to 28 years of imprisonment.
Naroda Patiya riot is one of the worst incidents which followed the Godhra train burning incident of February 27, 2002, in which 59 kar sevaks were killed.