Delhi Police has said that the Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the January 5 JNU violence has identified the masked woman, seen in videos.
The woman, in a checkered shirt and light blue scarf covering the face and carrying a stick, is suspected to be a student of Delhi University, according to the police.
She is among the 49 people who have been sent notices by the police to come for questioning.
Meanwhile, Delhi Police sources quoted by news agency ANI said that those who have been served notice will be interrogated in the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). Nine people have been told to join the investigation from today, the sources added.
The police had last Friday disclosed nine suspects including JNU Student’s Union President Aishe Ghosh for attack at a hostel and also released their photos caught on CCTV cameras.
It has alleged that JNU Student’s Union President Aishe Ghosh led the mob that attacked the Periyar hostel on the evening of January 5.
The police said “muffled” students, led by Ghosh were caught on camera targetting specific rooms in Periyar Hostel.
However, Ghosh had proclaimed her innocence saying that the police was filing a “selective FIR”.
The police also named four Left groups behind the violence – Students Front of India, All India Students Federation, All India Students Association and Democratic Students Federation.
The Delhi Police also spoke about a second attack on January 5 by a “muffled” group carrying sticks and batons, who targetted rooms in Sabarmati Hostel where the students and JNU Teacher’s Association were holding a meeting.
However, they stated that the suspects are yet to be identified while adding that identification of the suspects was done on the basis of pictures and videos that went viral as CCTV footage could not be retained.
On Saturday, the Delhi Police informed it has identified 37 of the 60 individuals of a WhatsApp group called ‘Unity Against Left’, which is believed to be linked to the mob attack on JNU students and teachers on January 5.
According to the police, the group was created against the Left parties on January 5, the day when violence broke out in Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) premises as several masked individuals, both male and female, thrashed students, including girls, and teachers inside the campus with wooden and metal rods, injuring at least 34 people.