Maoists brutally killed a BJP worker in broad daylight in Narayanpur district of Chhattisgarh. The victim, Komal Manjhi, a BJP worker and the husband of a district council member, was attacked by a small action team of Maoists with an axe in Mundatikarapara village of Dongar while on his way to a temple.
A note left by Maoists at the site reads that Komal Manjhi was involved in supporting the opening of a lucrative iron ore mine and had amassed wealth through it, leading to their decision to mete out death as punishment. This incident follows previous threats of violence against Komal Manjhi by Maoists.
According to Hemasagar Sidar, Additional SP of Narayanpur district, the incident occurred on Saturday morning when Komal Manjhi was leaving his home for the temple. Four to five Maoists, dressed in plain attire, arrived at the scene, attacked him multiple times with an axe, and then fled.
Narayanpur district has witnessed a series of targeted attacks on the BJP leaders and party workers by Maoists. Four BJP workers have been killed in the district this year so far.
The Maoists have killed two BJP workers in the last two months. Just a month ago, Maoists brutally killed Ratan Dubey, the BJP district vice president of Narayanpur district, during an election campaign.