Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation in his monthly radio programme “Mann ki Baat” on Sunday and commenced Bharat ki Laxmi campaign as the programme coincided with the Hindu festival of Diwali where he discussed women who have brought a change in the society. Prime Minister also mentioned the 2010 Allahabad High Court verdict of Ayodhya land dispute case and cautioned citizens to not exploit the situation as Supreme Court will soon pronounce the verdict on the case.
PM Modi opened the latest episode of Mann ki Baat by wishing a Happy Diwali. “Diwali is celebrated in many parts of the world today. Not only the Indian community but also the government of many countries, their citizens and the social organisations there also participate in these celebrations enthusiastically. In a way, they make a ‘Bharat’ there.”
He also launched the Bharat Ki Laxmi campaign in today’s address to the nation, “We had decided that we will do something different this Diwali. I had said that – let’s celebrate the women power of India and their achievements, as in rever the Bharat ki Laxmi.”
“People have shared a lot of stories regarding Bharat ki Laxmi. You all should read them, take inspiration and share something similar happening around you. I bow down in respect to these Laxmis (Goddesses) of India.”
With the upcoming inauguration of Kartarpur Corridor, PM Modi also talked about Guru Nanak Dev’s 550th birth anniversary. “Guru Nanak Dev ji’s 550th birth anniversary will be celebrated across the world on November 12. Guru Nanak Dev’s influence is not only in India but across the world. He used to believe that there is no price for selfless service.”
“A few days ago, ambassadors from at least 85 countries went to Amritsar from Delhi. They not only visited the Golden Temple, but also got to know a lot about the Sikh culture. They also shared the pictures taken there on their social media.”
“Guru Nanak Dev ji took his message to far, far places in the world. He used to be one of the most accomplished travellers of his time. May his birth anniversary inspire us to imbibe his message into our lives.”
Talking about Sardar Patel’s statue of unity which was unveiled last year on October 31, PM Modi said, It’s the tallest statue of world, twice the height of ‘Statue of Liberty’. The tallest statue of the world fills every Indian with pride.
“Our country will always be indebted to Sardar Patel for playing an instrumental role in the Constitution Assembly. He did the important job of ensuring the fundamental rights so that there remains no possibility of any discrimination based on caste and community.”
Prime Minister also praised the soldiers of the Indian Army and said, “Our soldiers at Siachen Glacier are not only protecting the borders but also conducting the ‘Clean Siachen’ drive. For this commitment, I salute the Indian Army. In such conditions to segregate garbage and ensure its management is a very important work in itself.”
PM Modi said he vividly remembers the September of 2010 when several “interest groups” had tried to exploit the situation to their interest and said the language that was used was aimed at inflaming the atmosphere.
“Some loud mouths had made irresponsible statements just to hog the limelight … It continued for five to 10 days,” he said. Thanks to the people of India, social organisations, political parties, saints, seers and leaders of all faiths, it became a day that furthered unity, he said.