The Manipur High Court on Thursday, inaugurated E-filing Counters and launch a recruitment website along with a Case Status Display Application.
Additionally, Apple MacBooks and iPads were distributed to judicial officers during the event.
The ceremony was attended by distinguished members of the High Court Bar Association, All Manipur Bar Association, and District Bar Association, and it took place in the High Court of Manipur’s auditorium.
Justice Siddharth Mridul, Chief Justice of the Manipur High Court, was the chief guest of the event.
Speaking at the event, Chief Justice Mridul said that the launch of the recruitment website, the case display application, and the distribution of iPads, Macbooks along with the inauguration of e-filing counters across the High Court and district bar associations, are seminal steps towards transforming how justice is delivered in Manipur.
These initiatives, he said, “underscore the our dedication to making the judicial system more accessible, efficient, and transparent to all citizens.”