West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday met Prime Minister Narendra Modi Wednesday at the head of a ten-member Trinamool Congress delegation and later he assured her that the Centre would look into her demand on releasing Central funds for the state for various projects.
“The prime minister listened to us carefully and assured us that a joint meeting of Central government and state government officials will be convened to consider the state’s demand for various projects,” Miss Banerjee later told reporters.
“We told the prime minister that for two years, we did not get 100 days’ work money. This is mandatory in our constitutional provision. The Central government did not allocate even one paise in the 2023 General Budget. The Central government also stopped the PMAY (Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana) project allocation, money for health mission allocation and money for finance commission. We said if there is any fault, punish us, but do not punish the common people,” said the chief minister, who was accompanied by nine of her party MPs.
She said she had also submitted a memorandum to Mr Modi.
“More than 150 (Central) teams came to our state and we gave details and explanations to those teams. Previously, I met the Prime Minister three times. In these projects, both the central government and state government have a share. So, this is not very healthy to stop money,” she added.
Meanwhile, the PMO said the chief minister of West Bengal, along with a delegation of MPs, called on the prime minister. It also posted on ‘X’ a picture of the meeting.