With the Lok Sabha elections drawing closer, the Congress has received a shot in the arm as YS Sharmila, founder of the YSR Telangana Party (YSRTP), joined the grand old party here on Thursday.
Sharmila, who is the daughter of former Andhra Pradesh chief minister YSR Reddy and younger sister of incumbent Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, joined the Congress at the party headquarters.
Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge welcomed her to the the party-fold.
Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi and party’s general secretary in-charge of organisation KC Venugopal were also present on the occasion.
With her joining, Sharmila has merged her party with the Congress.
After joining the party, she said, “Today, I am very happy to be merging YSR Telangana Party into the Congress party. It gives me immense joy that the YSR Telangana Party is going to be a part of the Indian National Congress party from today onwards.”
“YSR Telangana Party is not going to be separate anymore from the Congress party. It gives me great delight,” Sharmila said.
Remembering her father, she said, “Dr YSR Reddy, the legendary leader of the Telugu people not only served the Congress party all his life but also gave his life serving the Congress. Today, it gives him great joy that his daughter following in his footsteps, is going to be a part of the Congress party itself.”
Sharmila said the Congress is still the largest secular party of the country.
“The Congress party has always upheld the true culture of India. The Congress party has built our nation. The Congress party has unwaveringly served all communities, uniting all sections of the people of India,” she said.