Maharashtra SSC 2017 candidates waiting to get their Class 10 results have to wait for a little more time. As per the latest updates, Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Pune (MSBSHSE) have not yet made any official statement regarding the Maharashtra SSC Class 10 result 2017 declaration date.
In relation to this when our team member tried to reach Maharashtra SSC officials then no one gave any confirmation regarding the SSC 2017 Class 10 results declaration date.
One of the official added, SSC Class 10 candidates should not get confused with the expected result declaration date mentioned across the web. Once the Maharashtra SSC 2017 Class 10 results declaration date is decided it will be released on the SSC official website.
Maharashtra SSC Class 10 results 2017 expected result declaration date is June 12 i.e. Monday.
Just after the declaration of Maharashtra SSC results 2017 for Class 10 candidates need to visit the official websites (English) and (Marathi) or and fill the blank space with the required information including roll number, registration number and date of birth.
Due to the huge number of candidates reaching the Maharashtra SSC result 2017 official website some of the candidates may face technical issue in getting the information in such case candidates are advised to stay calm and refresh the result website in a short interval of time to get the results.