Ahead of the Mahakumbh, scheduled to take place on the banks of Triveni in January 2025, the Uttar Pradesh government has brought cheers to the boatmen of Sangam. The Kumbh Mela Administration has approved an increase in their fares by 50 per cent.
According to ADM Mahakumbh Vivek Chaturvedi, the decision was taken in response to an outstanding demand from the boatmen after a fruitful discussion between the Prayagraj District Boatmen Association and the Mela Administration.
Welcoming the move, Pappu Lal Nishad, President of the Prayagraj District Boatmen Association, said boat fares had remained unchanged for years despite rising inflation. He praised the administration’s decision as a significant step in favor of the boatmen’s welfare.
Following the fare hike for boats, strict measures will be implemented to ensure that devotees are not overcharged. A revised list of boat fares is being prepared to maintain transparency, and it will be prominently displayed at all ghats and parking areas, according to ADM Mela.
Meanwhile, the administration has also restricted movement of vehicles for devotees’ safety. While motorboats remain prohibited, traditional boats can operate even on major bathing festival days.
Given the large crowds expected to gather at Triveni for holy dips during Mahakumbh, ensuring the safety of devotees is a top priority of the Yogi government.
SDM Mahakumbh Abhinav Pathak stated that decisions regarding boat operations during festivals will be based on weather and crowd conditions.
He added, “Currently, 1,455 boats are in operation at Sangam, but this number is expected to exceed 4,000 during Mahakumbh as boats from neighboring districts arrive. All boats will undergo safety inspections before being issued licenses, and life jackets will be provided to boatmen. Additionally, every boatman will receive insurance coverage of Rs 2 lakh.”