Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar has slammed NCP-Sharadchandra Pawar nominee Amol Kolhe for “wasting five years as an MP” and urged voters to support Shivajirao Adhalrao, the MahaYuti candidate for Shirur Lok Sabha seat, to ensure progress.
“Kolhe was only busy shooting and wasted five years. In order to address pending issues like roads, railways, and dams, assistance from the Centre and state government is required. Therefore, elect a person who can actually work,” Pawar said at a campaign meeting in Ghodegaon of Shirur Lok Sabha seat on Wednesday.
The Deputy CM said after his party (NCP) joined the MahaYuti government, “it carried out works worth Rs 600 crore in Ambegaon”.
“Compensation of Rs 17 crore was paid for the loss of Hirda Vanaspati within eight days. Through district planning, Rs 68 crore funds were allocated for Ambegaon. Had we not been in power, would we be able to do all this work?” he said, adding, “We solved the issue of onion export ban. We will soon resolve the issue of milk prices as well. More infrastructural work can be done if we remain in power. Bear this in mind and vote for Adhalrao.”
Adhalrao in his speech said that he raked up issues of bullock cart racing and railway works. “It took Madhu Dandavate 28 years to bring Konkan Railway. I have also been pursuing for Pune-Nashik railway for the last 13 years. I have been striving for bullock cart racing for the last 25-30 years. I took on three cases, fought cases in the High Court and Supreme Court, spent money, and eventually won… What did the incumbent MP do?” he said.
Adhalrao further said, “I ensured roads in Banakarfata-Ghodegaon-Bhimashankar-Taleghar-Rajgurunagar by urging Union Minister Nitin Gadkari. I spent funds of Rs 2.5 crore for the Wada-Ghoda road. The work on the monument of Sambhaji Maharaj worth Rs 190 crore is underway in Vadhu. Kolhe adopted Kopri village where women still used to walk down 2 km to fetch water. My people have ensured that tankers reach them for the last two months. The one who has never worked… needs to be shown his true place by the people.”
Kolhe and Adhalrao are pitted against each other once again after the 2019 elections. It was Kolhe as the nominee of NCP (united) who had defeated Adhalrao, who contested as the Shiv Sena (united) candidate in the last elections. Adhalrao had won from the Shirur constituency as the Shiv Sena (united) nominee in the 2004, 2009 and 2014 elections.