A day after Congress leader Digvijaya Singh alleged that eight MLAs have been forcefully kept at the hotel by the ruling BJP, major political drama has unfolded in Madhya Pradesh late last night as state ministers Jaivardhan Singh and Jeetu Patwari were seen leaving from a hotel in Gurugram with BSP MLA.
The 230-member Madhya Pradesh Assembly has 114 Congress MLAs and 107 from BJP. Seven members, including four Independents, one SP and two BSP legislators, have extended support to the Congress-led government. Two seats are vacant after a BJP MLA and a Congress MLA died.
The Congress has alleged that eight MLAs, four from the Congress and four independents who are supporting the government, have been taken to the hotel in Haryana as part of a conspiracy to topple the state government. While four of the MLAs have left the hotel, four others remain inside.
Reiterating his allegations on Tuesday, Singh tweeted, “Didn’t BJP’s former minister Bhupendra Singh take BSP MLA Rambai to Delhi in a chartered flight on Monday?’’ He added that the Congress had full faith in the BSP MLA.
Chief Minister Kamal Nath confirmed Singh’s allegations on Tuesday and said he was speaking the truth and asked Congress legislators to accept the money that was being offered to them.
Nath alleged that the BJP was trying to poach ruling party legislators because it was scared that the “scams” during its 15-year rule would be exposed (if the Congress continues in power).