The BJP-led Madhya Pradesh government has increased the Dearness Allowance (DA) and Dearness Relief payable to government servants and pensioners in the Seventh Pay Scale by 4 per cent, making it 46 per cent with effect from July 1, 2023.
The decision was taken in the state cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Mohan Yadav at Bhopal. According to the decision, the hiked DA would be applicable from August, 2023.
The cabinet also approved the ‘Madhya Pradesh Cloud Policy-2024’ in order to provide cloud services to the departments. The cloud services would be made available to the departments through Madhya Pradesh State Electronics Development Corporation (MPSEDC).
For the smooth operation of the processes of Cloud Adoption Framework, a Cloud Monitoring Unit (CMU) would be established in the MPSEDC.
The State Cabinet approved implementation of SMART-PDS (Scheme for Modernization And Reforms through Technology in Public Distribution System).
Under this, Rs 8.35 crore would be spent in 3 years under Targeted Public Distribution System. Through One Nation-One Ration Card, eligible families have been provided the facility to get ration from any fair price shop in the country by the Government of India.
The Cabinet approved the proposal for conservation and management of the Sirpur Wetland, Ramsar Site at Indore.
The Cabinet decided to forward the proposal for conservation and management of Sirpur Wetland, Ramsar Site at Indore under AMRUT scheme to the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Government of India. The proposal seeks to bear 40 percent of the Rs 61.96 crore under the National Plan for Conservation of Aquatic Ecosystems (NPCA).