Union Minister and BJP leader Ravi Shankar Prasad on Sunday launched an attack on the Congress leader Rahul Gandhi over his tweet alleging BJP of controlling the social media platform Facebook and Whatsapp.
Rahul Gandhi has alleged the BJP of spreading fake news and hatred through these platforms and also of using it to influence the electorate.
“BJP & RSS control Facebook & Whatsapp in India. They spread fake news and hatred through it and use it to influence the electorate. Finally, the American media has come out with the truth about Facebook,” Rahul Gandhi had said in a tweet.
Reacting on the allegations, Union Minister called Rahul Gandhi as a loser who failed to influence the people even in his own political party.
“You were caught red-handed in alliance with Cambridge Analytica & Facebook to weaponise data before the elections,” he said.
“Losers who cannot influence people even in their own party keep cribbing that the entire world is controlled by BJP & RSS. You were caught red-handed in alliance with Cambridge Analytica & Facebook to weaponise data before the elections & now have the gall to question us?” Ravi Shankar Prasad said.