Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, in his address during the motion of thanks to the Governor’s speech in the Assembly on Wednesday, hailed the momentous consecration of Shri Ram Lala’s life in Ayodhya as a remarkable, transcendental event.
He also lashed out at Samajwadi Party leader Akhilesh Yadav for opposing the consecration for petty political reasons.
He vehemently criticized the opposition for their stance against the Ram Temple, emphasizing the historical significance of January 22 as a pivotal day for India and the world.
Expressing profound satisfaction at fulfilling the promise of constructing the temple, Chief Minister Yogi underscored the importance of resolving the longstanding disputes in Ayodhya, Kashi, and Mathura.
Drawing parallels with the epic Mahabharata, he said that while Lord Krishna had demanded five villages for the Pandavas from Duryodhan, here the demand is only for three, where the Lord incarnated himself.
The CM’s reference was indirectly on Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura.
He highlighted the government’s unwavering dedication to preserving faith and heritage against political agendas, ensuring that places of religious significance are respected and developed.
Highlighting the injustices endured by Ayodhya during previous administrations, Chief Minister Yogi likened the city’s plight to the struggles depicted in ancient scriptures.
He lamented the neglect and restrictions imposed on Ayodhya, emphasizing the need for holistic development and infrastructure improvement, which his government has diligently pursued.
Reflecting on the transformative journey of Ayodhya, Chief Minister Yogi celebrated the unity and resolve of the nation in witnessing the grand temple’s inauguration.
He emphasized the temple’s significance in inspiring patience and fortitude, uniting people from all walks of life in reverence and pride.
With a firm stance against politicizing faith and undermining development initiatives, Chief Minister Yogi denounced the opposition’s attempts to obstruct progress for electoral gains.
Hee stressed the government’s unwavering commitment to transparent governance and equitable development, contrasting it with the divisive tactics employed by previous regimes.
Looking towards a future of prosperity and harmony, Chief Minister Yogi affirmed the government’s dedication to fostering Ayodhya’s growth as a global tourist destination and preserving its cultural heritage.
He emphasized the importance of embracing Ayodhya’s inclusive spirit and welcoming visitors of all backgrounds.
In conclusion, Chief Minister Yogi admonished the opposition for prioritizing political expediency over the state’s welfare and urged them to align with the aspirations of the people.
He reaffirmed his government’s resolve to uphold the state’s pride and heritage, ensuring that Ayodhya’s journey from conflict to harmony serves as a beacon of unity for all.