

LIC AAO recruitment 2019: Prelims admit cards released at licindia.in, download now

LIC AAO recruitment 2019: The candidates can download the admit cards from the official website-www.licindia.in.

LIC AAO recruitment 2019: Prelims admit cards released at licindia.in, download now

(Photo: Getty Images)

LIC AAO recruitment 2019: The Life Insurance Corporation of India has released the LIC Assistant Administrative Officer posts admit cards. The candidates can download the admit cards from the official website-www.licindia.in. The LIC Assistant Administrative Officer exam will be conducted on May 4-5, 2019.

How to download LIC Assistant Administrative Officer posts admit cards


The candidates can download the admit cards by following the steps given below:


• Visit the official website-www.licindia.in

• On the homepage, click on the link that says, “Careers”

• On the page that opens, click on the link that says, “LIC AAO posts admit cards”

• On the next page, enter all the required details and click on submit.

• The admit cards will be displayed on the screen.

• Check all the details and download for future reference.

Direct Link: The candidates can download the admit cards by using the direct link here.

Selection Procedure:

• The selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of a three-tiered process and subsequent Pre-recruitment Medical examination.

• The preliminary examination will have 100 questions in the total time duration of 1 hour.

• The question paper will consist of Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude and English Language.

For more information, the candidates should check the official website.
