A team of forest department conducted a drone survey of the district magistrate residence complex at Ruderpur in district Udham Singh Nagar on Sunday. The team had to rush to the site after a leopard was sighted behind the DM residence on Saturday. In a special operation, the bushes were cleared and extensive search operation was conducted.
The District Magistrate residence and officials quarters of other staff of the Udham Singh Nagar district are located at Ruderpur. The sighting of a leopard just behind the DM residence created panic among the residence on Saturday.
Udham Singh Nagar forest’s sub-divisional officer U.C Tiwari said, “We conducted a survey through drone and bushes were cleared. The leopard was possibly using the bushes for habitat. We failed to get any photographs of the feline through drone and any pugmarks.”
The forest department will continue to conduct patrol in the affected area for few more days, till the situation turns normal and there is no movement of the feline. The presence of the leopard created terror in the area as small kids used to play outside.