Lalu Prasad on Tuesday stirred a controversy with his vulgar remarks against Nitish Kumar. Commenting on the Bihar chief minister’s proposed Mahila Samwad Yatra on December 15, he said, “Nayan sekne ja rahe hai (They are going to ogle at women).”
Reacting to the RJD chief’s intemperate remark, BJP leader and Bihar Deputy CM Vijay Sinha said Lalu Prasad “says anything” as he has lost his ability to comprehend things.
Union Minister for Panchayati Raj and Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying and senior JD-U leader Rajiv Ranjan Singh alias Lalan Singh said Lalu Prasad is the master of comedy and hence indulges in non-serious trivia.
”Lalu Prasad Yadav is known for such statements. He is a master of buffoonery who indulges in non-serious things… He, along with his wife, , during their 15-year rule, pushed Bihar to a stage where being called ‘Bihari’ was a matter of shame. Nitish Kumar ensured the restoration of the pride of the Biharis. There is no comparison between Lalu Prasad and Nitish Kumar. Nitish Kumar is a serious person, he has brought development to Bihar,” he told reporters.
BJP leader Shahnawaz Hussain asked, “What has happened to Lalu Yadav? He is the one who used to consider Nitish Kumar as his brother, companion, and friend. Is this what he thought of the CM?”
Meanwhile, RJD leader and Lalu Prasad’s son Tejashwi Yadav launched a scathing attack on Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. He raised questions over his ‘Mahila Samvad Yatra’ scheduled to begin on December 15, asking whether a CM needs to spend Rs 200 crore meet the public.
Releasing a press statement, the former deputy chief minister claimed that a staggering Rs 2 billion, 25 crore, and 78 lakh had been spent in just 15 days allegedly to promote Kumar’s image.
The RJD leader questioned the government’s priorities, stating that billions of rupees are being spent on propaganda while students and women in the state lack basic facilities. He accused the government of looting public funds for personal gain.