Delhi Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena, who visited Bagh-e-Bahar or Vasant Udyan in Vasant Vihar on Sunday and took stock of the development work done in the park, has directed the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) to have more cultural events organised in the amphitheatre area of the park, in which local artistes and performers should be encouraged.
Vasant Udyan Park in Vasant Vihar area of south-west Delhi is a prestigious park of DDA with all modern facilities. The redevelopment work of the park was completed in the year 2020. The park was also selected for exhibiting at India Pavilion, London Biennale 2021, which is a global gathering of the world’s most ambitious and imaginative designers, curators and design institutes.
Spread over 43.17 acres of land, the park has facilities like children play area with equipment, open gym, pop up irrigation system, public convenience, different types of lights, including garden lantern, among others. For better security of the people, it is equipped with CCTVs.
The Delhi Lieutenant Governor appreciated the design, development and maintenance of the green area, as also the manner in which the heritage structures in the park were being maintained.
Witnessing the historical references that had been incorporated in the landscape design of the green area, Saxena directed officials to explore replicating the same in other parks that had heritage structures.
The Delhi Lieutenant Governor also said that the Baradari area of the monument should be explored for holding cultural events by the Department of Archaeology, GNCTD with requisite safety measures.