Buoyed by its performance in Lok Sabha polls, the Congress on Tuesday announced that party president Mallikarjun Kharge and former party chief Rahul Gandhi will hold meetings with the senior leaders of four poll-bound States and Union Territory.
The Assembly elections in Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Haryana and Jammu and Kashmir are due later this year.
Notably, in December last, the Supreme Court had ordered the Election Commission to hold Assembly polls in Jammu and Kashmir by 30th September 2024.
In a post on X, Congress General Secretary in-charge of Organisation KC Venugopal said, “Carrying forward the momentum in our favour, we are dedicated to ensuring a handsome victory in the upcoming state elections.”
“To kick-start our efforts, Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge ji and former president Rahul Gandhi ji will be holding strategy meetings with senior leaders of the election-going states,” he said.
The senior Congress leader said that they will hold a meeting with the party’s Jharkhand unit on 24th June, Maharashtra on 25th June, Haryana on 26th June and Jammu and Kashmir on 27th June.
The announcement of the Congress came a day after the BJP appointed several of its key leaders as election in-charges in these poll-bound States and Union Territory.
In the recently concluded general elections, the Congress had won 99 out of the 543 Parliamentary seats.