The Kerala High Court on Friday upheld the election of Left Democratic Front (LDF) candidate Vazhoor Soman, who had won from Peerumade Assembly constituency in the 2021 Kerala Assembly elections.
A single bench of Justice Mary Joseph upheld the election of Soman, while dismissing the election petition filed by Congress candidate Syriac Thomas.
Thomas had alleged in his plea that the LDF candidate had suppressed material facts and furnished false information in his affidavit filed in support of his nomination paper.
The petitioner had sought that Soman’s election be declared void and set aside.
He contended that the Returning Officer (RO) improperly accepted Soman’s nomination, although he had not filled many columns, including those related to bank accounts in the poll affidavit, and that the acceptance of the nomination was illegal.
It was also alleged that he became an MLA while holding the position of chairman of WareHousing Corporation.
Calling the verdict ‘disappointing, Syriac Thomas said that he would appeal against the order in the Supreme Court.