Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan’s four-day visit to the UAE, which was scheduled for early next month, has been postponed as the Central government has not given its permission for the same. It is not clear why the permission is being delayed.
The chief minister was scheduled to visit the Gulf country between May 7 and 11 to take part in an investment meet at the National Exhibition Centre in Abu Dhabi and a couple of other events. The CM was also supposed to interact with Indian expatriates at the Abu Dhabi-Kerala Social Centre on May 7.
It was UAE Minister Dr Thani Ahmed Al Zeyoudi who invited the chief minister on behalf of the government of Abu Dhabi. The civic reception in Dubai scheduled for May 10 has also been deferred to another date.
The state government had sought the Centre’s nod for the CM’s UAE visit last month.
The chief minister was supposed to be accompanied by state Industries Minister P Rajeev, PWD and Tourism Minister PA Mohamed Riyas and Chief Secretary V P Joy.
The trip can be cancelled if the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) doesn’t give its nod to the trip on a later date as well.