The Kerala Assembly on Thursday rejected a resolution moved by the Opposition UDF seeking the removal of Speaker P Sreeramakrishnan from his post alleging his role in the gold smuggling case. Moving the resolution, UDF’s Muslim League legislator M Ummer said the Speaker denigrated his office by allegedly supporting a smuggling racket.
“The Speaker represented the honour of the house, but the serious allegations raised against him have dented the Assembly’s reputation,” Ummer said. Stating that the Speaker was facing serious allegations such as dollar smuggling and proximity to those accused in gold smuggling case, Ummer said it would be ideal for him to keep away from the post till the agency probe is over.
Supporting the resolution, Opposition leader Ramesh Chennithala said the Speaker, who is bound to protect the dignity of the house, has weakened and destroyed the dignity of Kerala Assembly.
CM Pinarayi Vijayan said the motion was politically motivated.