A day after Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal appeared in Delhi’s Rouse Avenue court that extended his Enforcement Directorate (ED) custody till April 1, his wife Sunita announced a WhatsApp campaign ‘Kejriwal ko Aashirwad’ in a video message on Friday.
Ms Kejriwal announced a WhatsApp campaign ‘Kejriwal ko Aashirwad’, and shared a WhatsApp number for people to send wishes to the jailed AAP convenor.
In a three-minute message, she said ”We are starting a drive from today – Kejriwal Ko Aashirvaad. You can send your blessings and prayers to Kejriwal on this number.”
She said her husband was a patriot, and he would appreciate it very much if people shared their sentiments and feelings with him. Ms Kejriwal promised that all messages will be conveyed to the CM in jail.
She had attended the court proceedings yesterday where her husband had himself made submissions before the judge.