On the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal by the Central Bureau of Investigation in a case of alleged corruption linked to the Delhi liquor policy scam, state unit chief of BJP Virendra Sachdeva on Wednesday said it was not surprising and added that the same was a stage of the legal process.
He said that the CBI already had a separate primary case in which Kejriwal had previously been summoned to the central agency’s office, while former Deputy CM Manish Sisodia had already been arrested in this case.
The BJP leader further said that after Sisodia’s arrest, the apprehension of Kejriwal in the case, which was filed by the Congress, was a demand of justice.
Sachdeva further claimed that the kind of sarcastic comments being made by AAP leaders on the High Court’s decision since last evening, reflect their lack of faith in the judiciary within a democracy.
The Delhi BJP chief said,” AAP and opposition leaders who believe that there is a political vendetta against Arvind Kejriwal need to understand that if Kejriwal had not engaged in bribery, he would not fear retaliation today.”
He had said that if someone is involved in a crime, then the person needs to remain prepared to face the ultimate consequence, and further hit out at the AAP leaders, claiming that they will play their old victim card anew.
Earlier, on Tuesday, Sachdeva had welcomed Delhi High court’s verdict staying the bail granted to Delhi CM in the money laundering case.