Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, on Monday, demanded that the Union government should provide free world-class education for every child of the country, free healthcare for all, 300 units of free electricity per household, and employment for every youth of the country.
Addressing a digital press conference, Kejriwal said, “Some people are trying to create such an atmosphere in the country where they want to make citizens think that providing free education, healthcare, electricity and water is some crime; they want people to think it makes the government incur losses and must be stopped.”
“At this time, we should plan that in the next five years, we will all provide good education to our children by developing excellent government schools across the country, then only can the 75th anniversary of independence be celebrated in its true sense,” the Delhi Chief Minister said.
He said 39 countries like Denmark & Norway give free and good education to their children, 9 countries like Canada & UK provide free healthcare while 16 countries like US & Germany give unemployment allowance.
“These countries have become rich powers because they provide good education and health facilities to their people for free, their leaders do not waive off the debts of their friends,” Kejriwal said.
“These people waived loans worth Rs 10 lakh crore to help their friends, these people want to use taxpayer money only to waive the loans of their friends,” the Delhi Chief Minister said.
“We should have created a system to give free and excellent education to our children within these 75 years but instead some people are saying that this is a ‘free ki revari’ which is causing a loss to the exchequer. Nothing can be more saddening than this on the 75th anniversary of Independence,” he said.
In July this year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said, “This Revari culture (or the freebies culture) is dangerous for the development of the country. Those with Revari culture will never build new expressways, new airports or defence corridors for you. Together, we have to defeat this mentality, remove Revari culture from the politics of the country.”