The executive committee of the pro-Pakistan Hurriyat Conference on Wednesday said that Kashmir is a political issue and Hurriyat as a representative forum of people will pursue its mission of freedom and the “repressive and coercive measures will neither dampen our sentiments nor break our resolve”.
Meeting of the executive committee was held at the residence of Syed Alishah Geelani who blamed mainstream parties in Jammu and Kashmir for the “prevailing confusion and chaos” in the state, saying “history stands witness to the fact that right-based movements never fail, however tyrant forces vanish and stand nowhere”.
Spokesman of the Hurriyat said that “the participants reviewed and discussed the prevailing grim situation in the state”.
The executive council urged United Nations to realise the “sacrifices” being made by people in the state for their right to self-determination, and help and mediate in getting this right fulfilled without any more delay and bloodshed.
The meeting also discussed ways to make the Hurriyat Conference more vibrant and active on social and political fronts. Certain important resolutions were accepted and decisions were taken in this regard. The Hurriyat executive council authorised its chairman to re-constitute and re-order the Hurriyat conference and appoint its office bearers.
Geelani asked people to boycott all upcoming elections and urged them to remain faithful to the mission “nourished by sacred blood of our martyrs”.
The meeting was attended by heads and representatives of various organisations ~ Mohammad Rafiq Owasi (Tehreek-e-Hurriyat), Syed Mohd Shafi (People’s League), Syed Imtiyaz Shah (Peoples Freedom League), Mohd Shafi Rishi (DPM), Mohd Shafi Lone, (Employees Forum), Bilal Sidiqee (Tehreek-e-Mazahmat), Zamrooda Habib (Kashmir Tehreek-e-Khawateen), Feroz Ahmad Khan (Muslim League), Aga Syed Mohd Yusuf (Perwaan -e- Walayat), Mohd Yasin Ataie (Peoples League), Mohd Yusuf Naqash, (Islamic Political Party), Hakim Abdul Rashid (Muslim Democratic League), Ghulam Nabi Sumji (Muslim Conference), Ghulam Mohammad Nagu (Anjuman Sher-e-Shiyan), and Ghulam Ahmad Gulzar (Insaf Party).