Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha on Friday said that Tamil actor Kamal Haasan and people like him should be “shot dead” for his “Hindu terror” remarks.
The national vice president of Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha Ashok Sharma said, “There is no other way to handle people like Kamal Haasan but to either hang them or shoot them dead.”
Sharma said these people accused the followers of Hinduism of ‘terror’ only to “push their own biased communal agenda”.
In a column for Tamil weekly magazine Ananda Vikatan, Haasan wrote that while earlier, “the Hindu right wing would not indulge in violence, but instead held debates”, it now “used muscle power instead of dialogue” once the old tactic failed.
Angered by the remarks of Kamal Haasan, Sharma said that people who used such language for Hindus, have no right to live.
Another leader of the Mahasabha has called for boycotting all films of the 62-year-old actor and all others from his family, including his daughter Shruti Haasan.
Earlier on Friday, a defamation case was filed against Haasan in a court in Varanasi for his “Hindu terror” comment.
The case has been filed under several sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) that pertain to defamation, attempt to cause offence, intent to hurt religious feelings and to incite communal disharmony.
The court has listed the case for a hearing on Saturday.
(With agency inputs)