Geeta Kumari, a resident of Sitamarhi, Bihar, gave birth to a healthy baby at the Akaltara Railway Station in Chhattisgarh while traveling on the Dibrugarh Express from Hyderabad to Sitamarhi.
The 25-year-old, accompanied by her husband, Rupesh Mahato, was on her way home when she unexpectedly went into labour around 7 pm.
Although Akaltara is not a scheduled stop for the train, swift action by the Health Department and railway officials ensured a safe delivery. Upon receiving a distress call, the train was brought to a halt at Platform 4 of the Akaltara station, where a team of medical professionals and a private ambulance attended to Geeta.
Under their expert care, Geeta Kumari successfully delivered her baby on the platform. Both the mother and the newborn were swiftly shifted to a nearby community health center in Akaltara for further care and observation.
Sanjeev Choudhary, station manager at Akaltara, praised the prompt response of the Health Department in meeting the emergency. Medical checks were conducted upon the train’s unscheduled stop, facilitating the smooth and successful on-platform delivery.
This heartwarming incident underscores the preparedness and dedication of railway employees and healthcare personnel to ensure passenger safety, even in unexpected situations. It serves as a testament to the resilience and compassion shown by all involved during this extraordinary event.