The BJP on Thursday released its manifesto, titled ‘Sankalp Patra’, for the upcoming Assembly elections in Haryana, promising guaranteed jobs for Agniveers, Rs 2100 monthly allowance for girls and two lakh government jobs for the youth.
The ‘Sankalp Patra’ was released by BJP president JP Nadda, along with Haryana chief minister Nayab Singh Saini and former state CM and Union Minister Manohar Lal in Rohtak.
The saffron party’s manifesto outlined significant initiatives for women, youth, and backward communities.
One of the key highlights of the BJP’s ‘Sankalp Patra’ was job guarantee for Agniveers and the Lado Lakshmi Yojana, under which women will be provided with a monthly allowance of Rs 2,100.
For the state’s youth, the BJP has pledged 2 lakh permanent government jobs, and an additional 5 lakh employment opportunities.
The saffron party has promised to provide free treatment worth up to Rs 10 lakh under the Chirayu-Ayushman Yojana for each family, with an additional Rs 5 lakh coverage for elderly family members above 70.
If re-elected to power, the BJP has vowed to build five lakh houses in rural and urban areas.
The saffron party said that it will continue to provide LPG cylinders to every household for Rs 500.
For rural girls, the Avval Balika Yojana will offer scooters to college-going students.
On the development front, the party has committed to constructing 10 new industrial cities across the state with the target of providing jobs to 50,000 local youth.
Additionally, the manifesto promises scholarships for OBC and SC students from Haryana studying in government medical and engineering colleges across India.
For OBC entrepreneurs, the Haryana government will guarantee loans up to Rs 25 lakh, according to the manifesto.
Haryana will go to polls on October 5 and the results will be announced on October 8.