

JNUEE results 2018 declared online at admissions.jnu.ac.in | Check now

JNUEE results 2018: Jawaharlal Nehru University Entrance Examination authority has declared the exam result 2018 for the candidates applied for…

JNUEE results 2018 declared online at admissions.jnu.ac.in | Check now

JNUEE results 2018: Jawaharlal Nehru University Entrance Examination authority has declared the exam result 2018 for the candidates applied for JNU examination on the official website – https://admissions.jnu.ac.in.
As per the updates, around 1 lakh candidates entered the examination hall took place in the month of December 27th to 30th, 2017

JNU candidates trying to checking their exam results 2018 have to visit the official website admissions.jnu.ac.in and fill the blank space with the asked information including application number, registration number and date of birth.


JNUEE 2017-2018 examination took place across 81 examination centers in the country.


Due to the huge number of visitors on the official website some of the candidates may face technical issue in getting the webpage in such case candidates are advised to stay calm and refresh the result website.
