The Jammu and Kashmir police in South Kashmir’s Anantnag district have busted a terror module linked with proscribed terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and arrested four accused persons involved in making an IED to carry out blasts in Anantnag town besides motivating gullible youth to join the terror folds by using social media and online platforms, officials said on Monday.
Incriminating materials including hand grenades have also been recovered from their possession.
Police said acting on a specific input, one terrorist associate identified as Aamir Reyaz Lone, resident of Baramulla was arrested; incriminating materials including electronic devices were recovered from his possession.
“During analysis, it was revealed that the arrested accused was in contact with an active terrorist of LeT namely Hilal Sheikh, resident of Baramulla. During the course of the investigation and on disclosure of accused Aamir Reyaz, it was revealed that another terrorist associate identified as Owais Ahmad Shaksaz, resident of Seer Hamdan is in the process of making an IED with the help of information from internet platforms. Accordingly, the accused Owais Ahmad was arrested,” police said.
Further investigation into the matter revealed the involvement of two more terrorist associates and was subsequently arrested, police added.
The arrested terrorist associate identified as Suhaib Muzaffar Qazi alias Tamil, resident of Rajpora Pulwama was in direct contact with active terrorist Aaqib Dar (LeT) of Pulwama who provided a hand grenade to Suhaib Qazi in order to attack security forces which were recovered at his instance by Police. Similarly, another arrested terrorist identified as Tariq Dar was found in contact with an active terrorist namely Aslam Dar of Kulgam, and was providing logistic support to the said terrorist.
“Preliminary investigation into the matter revealed that the busted module was working for active terrorists of proscribed terror outfit LeT and were in the process of developing IEDs to carry out blasts in Anantnag town. Moreover, they were also involved in motivating gullible youth of the Valley to join terrorist ranks of proscribed terror outfit LeT and HM,” police said.
Police said the busting of said IED terror module has helped avert a major attack and also save the gullible youth who were falling prey to the propaganda of this online module.