Following the forecast of heavy downpour across Jammu & Kashmir in the next few days, district administrations of Ramban, Kishtwar and Doda have warned of possible cloudbursts and flash floods. People have been asked to remain alert, and not venture near rivers and other water bodies.
The National HydroElectric Power Corporation (NHPC) has informed the district administration of Doda about floodgates of the reservoir of Dul Hasti power project remaining open from 11 pm on Thursday to 6 pm on Friday. As a result of this water level in River Chenab may rise by 3 metre. Hence, the general public has been warned against moving near the river banks.
The region recorded heavy rain last night and the Jammu-Srinagar highway was shut due to multiple landslides and shooting stones. The Panthyal area on the highway was hit by boulders stumbling down from the hilltop.
However, the highway was cleared for one-way traffic by afternoon. The T2 tunnel near Ramban was blocked due to slush and debris.
Authorities have asked the people to avoid traveling on the highway. Chief education officers have been asked to ensure the safety of students. Kishtwar district incurred losses due to a cloudburst on Wednesday. As many as 14 buildings, including a private school, were damaged due to the flash floods.