Sunidhi Chauhan breaks the internet with her ‘Ben 10’ title track IIT Roorkee performance
Taking the audience by surprise, Sunidhi Chauhan performed the title track of the hit animated show, ‘Ben 10’ at the IIT Roorkee fest.
JEE Advanced answer keys 2019: The candidates can download the answer keys from the official
JEE Advanced answer keys 2019: IIT-Roorkee is expected to release the answer keys for JEE Advanced soon. The candidates can download the answer keys from the official
According to the information given on the brochure, the online display of answer keys will be on June 4, 2019.”The candidates are required to enter the registration number and date of birth to download the answer keys.
How to download JEE Advanced answer keys 2019 (once released):
The candidates can download the answer keys by following the steps given below:
• Visit the official
• On the homepage, click on the link that says, “JEE Advanced answer keys”
• On the page that opens, enter all the details like the registration number and date of birth to download the answer keys.
• The answer keys will be displayed on the screen.
• Download the answer keys and save for future reference.
How to raise objections against the answer keys:
• The candidates can submit their feedback against the answer keys till June 5, 2019 through the candidate portal.
IIT-Roorkee had conducted the JEE Advanced 2019 exam on May 27, 2019. Paper 1 was conducted from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and paper 2 was conducted from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
For more information, the candidates should check the official website.