Telangana Chief Minister KCR’s son and state minister KTR Rao on Friday, one of the prominent absentees from the big opposition unity meeting held today in Bihar capital of Patna said that it is essential to unite people on the issues prevailing in the country rather than staging the unity of political parties.
He pointed out that any front with the Congress or the BJP will not work as both the parties were responsible for the problems in India. “Today, the unity of political parties is not that important, rather it is important to unite people on the issues prevailing in the country,” KTR said.
In an attack aimed at the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the Telangana minister said, “Congress and BJP are responsible for the problems our country is facing today. Both these parties are responsible for so much of the poor state of development in our country even after 75 years.”
Hinting at the national ambitions of the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS), he said, “We want to take the Telangana model that we have developed for our state countrywide. If parties unite centering on the BJP and the Congress it will not lead to the country’s prosperity,” he added.
Hitting out at the Congress for not supporting Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) fight against the Ordinance brought by the Central government to curtail the power of the Delhi government on services, KTR said, “Congress has to answer as to why they will not support this anti-federal bill that the government of India is trying to enforce on the people of this nation, especially in the case of Delhi government.”
Opposition leaders met today in Patna with the aim to arrive at a consensus to forge a united Opposition front to take on the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in 2024 Lok Sabha polls. The Opposition picked Patna as a venue for its meeting as it represents the 1974 call of total revolution by Jayaprakash Narayan that toppled Indira Gandhi’s majority government.