India reported 14,623 new infections on Wednesday, 12 per cent higher than Tuesday, taking the total caseload to 3,41,08,996 and registered 197 deaths in the last 24 hours, as per Union health ministry data.
With the new 197 fatalities, the overall death toll has increased to 4,52,651.
The recovery of 19,446 patients in the last 24 hours has increased the cumulative tally of recovered patients to 3,34,78,247 as the recovery rate stands at 98.15 per cent, at its peak since March 2020.
The active caseload has fallen below 2 lakh mark and is presently at 1,78,098, which is now lowest in 229 days, comprising 0.52 per cent of the country’s total infections.
India has conducted 13,23,702 tests in the last 24 hours, taking the cumulative tests to more than 59.44 crore.
While testing capacity has been enhanced across the country, weekly positivity rate at 1.34 per cent remains less than 3 per cent for the last 117 days now. The daily positivity rate stands at 1.10 per cent, below 3 per cent for the last 51 days and below 5 per cent for 134 consecutive days now.
With the administration of 41,36,142 vaccine doses in the last 24 hours, India’s Covid vaccination coverage has exceeded 99.12 crore as per provisional reports till 7 am on Wednesday.
According to the data shared by the health ministry, over 10.78 cr balance and unutilized vaccine doses are still available with the states/UTs.
Of the daily fatalities, Kerala recorded 77 deaths while Maharashtra saw 49 deaths.