India on Friday said it would support any feasible and mutually acceptable solution to the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine as a friend and partner of the two countries.
”We have always advocated constructive, solution-oriented and practical engagement with all stakeholders to achieve a negotiated settlement to this conflict. This is evident in our outreach to both Russia and Ukraine at the highest level,” Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said at a media briefing here.
He said Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who paid visits to both Russia and Ukraine recently, has already indicated India’s willingness to play a constructive role in the interest of peace. ”However, it is too early to comment on specific modalities and pathways at this stage. The decision as to when and how to commence peace talks is the prerogative of the two parties to the conflict,” he added.
On various peace proposals from Ukraine, the spokesperson said the Ukrainian side has its own perspective on various issues and it is sharing them with the media. ”As far as we are concerned, we will be guided by the bilateral discussions that we have had with them, including on the high-level visit (of PM Modi) that just concluded, which we believe will pave the way for stronger bilateral ties, apart from facilitating more forward-looking discussions on the possibility of peaceful resolution of the conflict,” he added.