India recorded 3,52,991 new coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours, setting yet another grim one-day record, taking the overall caseload to 1,73,13,163, according to data from the Union Health Ministry.
The country’s active COVID-19 cases stand at 24,28,616.
With 2,812 deaths in the last 24 hours, the death toll is at 1,95,123, the highest single-day record. In the last 24 hours, 2,19,272 recovered, taking the number of recoveries to 1,43,04,382.
The Central government on Monday said that all citizens above 18 years of age will be eligible to get vaccinated from 1 May. Under the third phase of the vaccination drive commencing next month, the vaccine manufacturers would supply 50 percent of doses to the centre and the rest of the state and open market at a pre-declared price, the government said.
Maharashtra, Delhi, Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh remain the worst affected states by the pandemic.
According to government data, as many as 14,19,11,223 people have been vaccinated.