India has recorded 55,342 new coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours taking the country’s tally to over 71.75 lakh cases, according to Ministry of Health.
India’s total caseload of coronavirus now stands at 71,75,881, with 8,38,729 active Covid-19 cases. The country for the second consecutive day has reported under 70,000 fresh Covid-19 cases in a day and for the first time in nearly two months the daily spike of cases reported is around 55,000.
The Health Ministry tweeted that India has shown a trend of declining average daily cases over the past five weeks.
With 77,760 new recoveries reported in the last 24 hours,India’s total recoveries now stands at 62,27,296 with a recovery rate of 86.78 per cent.
India, which remains the second worst Covid hit nation in the world, has recorded 706 deaths in the last 24 hours. With this the death toll now stands at 1,09,856 and fatality rate of the country stands at 1.53 per cent.
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu continue to remain the worst affected states with maximum daily coronavirus cases. Maharastra which remains the worst affected state has reported a singe day spike of 7,089 Covid-19 cases taking the states’s total tally to 15,35,315 cases and 40,514 fatalities.
Delhi has reported 1,849 new cases taking the state’s total to 3,11,188 cases and 5,809 fatalities.
India has conducted a total of 10,73,014 tests, taking the total tally of Covid-19 tests conducted to 8,89,45,107.