Congress leader P Chidambaram on Friday questioned the extension of Delhi Police Commissioner Amulya Patnaik’s tenure by a month on the day when a lone teen opened fire at anti-CAA protests near the Jamia Millia Islamia University even as the cops stood just a few metres away.
Terming it as “incomprehensible and reprehensible”, Chidambaram tweeted: “The Police Commissioner of Delhi gets an extension on the day there is a shooting in the presence of a substantial police force.”
“One has got an extension, but who has been suspended for the deplorable shooting yesterday?” the senior leader questioned.
The Election Commission on Thursday approved the extension of Delhi Police Commissioner Amulya Patnaik’s tenure by one month ahead of the Assembly elections in Delhi due on February 8.
The poll panel gave its nod to the Union Home Ministry’s proposal to grant an extension to Patnaik who was to retire on Friday.
A teen was seen brandishing a gun and firing at people protesting against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) near the Jamia Millia Islamia University on Thursday.
When the assailant brandished the gun and threatened to shoot at students, barely 10 metres away was standing Jamia SHO Upendra Singh along with dozens of police personnel. But they did nothing to prevent the firing, despite the students shouting hoarse for the police help.
Only when the accused fired his pistol, the police got into action.
The bullet hit a Journalism student of Jamia, identified as Shadab Farooq, in the arm.
As per witnesses, the man was seen raising religious slogans before he opened fire with a countrymade pistol at the anti-CAA rally.