Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has issued a message to his MLAs through his wife Sunita Kejriwal, exhorting them to visit their respective areas regularly and solve the problems of the denizens pertaining to various government departments besides other problems faced by them.
Kejriwal, who is the national convenor of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), said that the people of Delhi should not face any trouble because he is in jail.
Addressing a virtual press conference on Thursday, Sunita Kejriwal read out a message sent from Tihar jail by the Chief Minister that is addressed to all the AAP MLAs.
“I am in jail. Because of this none of my fellow Delhiites should face any kind of trouble. Every MLA should visit the area daily and ask people whether they are facing any problem. Whatever problem someone has, solve it,” she quoted the Chief Minister as saying.
Urging the party MLAs to extend their full support in solving all the problems of the people of Delhi, Sunita stated the Chief Minister in his message said, “I am not talking about solving only the problems of government departments, we have to try to solve other problems of the people as well. The two crore people of Delhi are my family, no one in my family should be sad for any reason. God bless everyone. Jai Hind.”
It may be mentioned that Chief Minister Kejriwal has sent several messages from jail after his arrest on 21st March by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in the liquor policy case.
In all his messages, he has reiterated his resolve to serve the people of Delhi.