HSSC releases examination schedule for various examinations at hssc.gov.in | Check dates here
HSSC examination schedule: The candidates can check the dates for various recruitment exams from the official website-hssc.gov.in
HSSC Group D examination: The candidates who have given the examination will be able to check the answer keys on the official website soon.
SNS | New Delhi | November 19, 2018 2:19 pm
HSSC Group D answer keys: The Haryana Staff Selection Commission has completed the HSSC Group D 2018 examination successfully. The Group D examinations were conducted on November 10, 11, 17 and 18. The answer keys will be available on the official website- www.hssc.gov.in soon.
Answer keys:
• The candidates who have given the examination will be able to check the answer keys on the official website soon.
• If they feel that the answer keys are not correct, then they can raise objections online.
• More information about raising the objections will be released on the official website soon.
HSSC Group D examination:
• A total of 18, 218 vacancies are to be filled through the HSSC group D examination.
• HSSC Group D examination process involves 2 stages-
• Written examination: The written examination will consist of 90 marks with 90 questions.
• Experience of the candidate will consist of 10 marks.
Important Information:
• Since the date for the release of answer keys has not been announced, the candidates should keep checking the official website.
HSSC examination schedule: The candidates can check the dates for various recruitment exams from the official website-hssc.gov.in
HSSC recruitment 2019: Interested candidates should apply online on the official website-www.hssc.gov.in by today.
HSSC Clerk admit cards 2019: The candidates who will sit for the examination, can download the admit cards from the official website- hssc.gov.in.