Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said that the state government is taking all steps to ensure public welfare. He said this while presiding over the ‘Sarkar Gaon Ke Dwar’ programme at Putriyal village in Nadaun assembly constituency of Hamirpur district on Tuesday in which as many as 147 public grievances were received.
The CM directed the concerned officers to redress these grievances on priority and said all ministers had also been asked to participate in this initiative so that public grievances could be addressed in a time bound manner.
He announced several development projects for Putriyal, including the construction of a new building for Putriyal School and a Health Sub-Center with adequate staff and said that efforts are afoot to construct the Lalu-Dhaniyara road and a new road from Putriyal to Talai.
The state government will also prioritize the development of a park and a playground for the area, he added. Sukhu said that all roads in Hamirpur district, as well as roads across the state, are being upgraded to double lanes.“Efforts would be made to provide high-quality water to enhance living standards,” he said.
Criticising the previous BJP government for financial mismanagement, the CM said that it offered free electricity, water, and bus travel solely to allure the voters. The previous government opened and upgraded over 900 institutions just before the election announcement without making any budgetary provisions, compromising quality in education and health sectors, he added.
“They prioritized politics over providing quality services to the people, which caused harm to the state’s resources,” he said. “The present state government was establishing Rajiv Gandhi Day Boarding Schools to improve the education system. The state government has also initiated steps to strengthen the rural economy, implementing necessary changes,” added Sukhu.
Expressing his commitment to his constituency, the Chief Minister said, “Nadaun has been my ‘Karambhoomi’, and I have served people of the area for more than 20 years. Thanks to the blessings of Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi, and Mallikarjun Kharge, I have been entrusted with the office of Chief Minister, and I will spare no effort in serving the people of the state with dedication and devotion.”