BJP’s Himachal unit president Suresh Kashyap, on Monday, slammed AAP’s Gujarat unit chief Gopal Italia for his derogatory remarks against Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
“The derogatory remark shows the narrow and disgusting mindset of Arvind Kejriwal and AAP leaders which also reflects their true colours,” said Kashyap.
The BJP leader said that the AAP leaders have not only humiliated the PM but 135 crore people of the country, who are the force behind Prime Minister Modi.
“PM Modi’s connection at the grassroots level is matchless and he has been one of the most popular leaders in the history of Indian politics,” he said, adding that he is not only popular in the country but has a tremendous global appeal as well.
“Global rating agencies like Pew Research Center and Morning Consult have corroborated his charismatic leadership appeal over the years. Our Prime Minister has once again topped the global rating among the world leaders with an approval rating of 75 per cent, according to a Morning Consult survey from October, 2022 making him the most popular global leader,” he claimed.
Kashyap said that derogatory remarks against the country’s Prime Minister lower the esteem of our leader and the country in front of the world, which will not be tolerated.
“The people will give a befitting reply in the ensuing elections to AAP leaders and will support our most popular and inspirational leader by making him stronger,” he claimed.