Hindu Mahasabha leader Pooja Shakun who shockingly “recreated” the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi at Uttar Pradesh’s Aligarh on Wednesday by shooting at his effigy was seen with top BJP leaders – former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and union minister Uma Bharati – in an image that she had posted on her Facebook account.
The image which was shared in March 2017 has been reportedly removed.
On the occasion of the 71st death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, workers of Hindu Mahasabha fired at the effigy of Mahatma Gandhi on Wednesday, inviting public outrage on social media.
“The incident took place in a house in Naurangabad locality of the city. Later, the video of the event went viral on social media,” Senior Superintendent of Police of Aligarh Akash Kulhary told PTI.
The police on Wednesday registered cases against 13 persons, including Shakun. The police are conducting raids to nab the accused persons.
(With PTI inputs)