Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, while presiding over a review meeting of the Industries department here on Monday, said that the state government has released an amount of Rs 50 crore for infrastructure development of the Bulk Drug Park to be built at Haroli in Una district.
The government is committed to ensure timely construction of the Bulk Drug Park, he added, while directing all the departments and agencies to work in unison for the early completion of the construction work.
While emphasizing on site development, he said that the approach roads, discharge treatment plant, steam generation, and ducting should be done on priority.
“The action plan should be moved forward firmly by keeping in mind the quality and future needs at various levels,” he said.
The Chief Minister also reviewed various other upcoming and ongoing projects of the Industries Department and directed to expedite the tender works, land transfers, judicious use of financial resources so that the benefits of development could reach the people in a timely manner.
Industry Minister, Harshvardhan Chauhan said that the department was working diligently for realizing the vision of Green Himachal.
Adequate steps were being taken to fulfil the concept of a developed Himachal along with ensuring minimum harm to environment while carrying out the development activities.